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Health Team - Mobile Nursing

Te Ara Waiora - Mobile Clinic

Health Team

We provide primary health care services to whanau who have or are predisposed to long-term conditions including diabetes, respiratory and/or heart conditions. 

Our Health Team offer support and advocacy to:

  • Work with you to assess your health and wellbeing needs, develop a health plan and alongside with you to become self-managing over your health and wellbeing need. 

  • Liase with your GP or other health professionals responsible for your health and wellbeing needs. 

  • Regularly monitor your health condition, measure progress, and identify any issues for action. 

  • Provide you and your whanau with information, education or resources to manage your health condition. 

  • Connect you to other relevant health and social services. 

As part of Kahui Waiora, five Te Ara Waiora Clinics (open access) are established. Clinics are located in Ahuriri, Maraenui, Heretaunga, Waipukurau and Wairoa. 

Our newly opened Te Ara Waiora clinic is based at 198 Marine Parade, Wairoa (Old BNZ Building) that provides walk-in or mobile services to whanau. The clinic is staffed with registered nurses, whanau manaaki (administrator) and health coach. Drop in to discuss your health and wellbeing needs. 

Te Ara Waiora services include:

  • Health education and promotion to individuals or whānau

  • Health assessment and monitoring

  • Cervical smears

  • Lung function assessments

  • Hearing assessments

  • Green Prescription referrals

  • Health Coaching

  • Vaccinations

Tamariki Ora

Nina, Jenny and Karleigh provide free and confidential services to ensure our Tamariki are growing and developing normally. 


Through this service, whānau are guided with the knowledge and skills to meet the needs of our Tamariki.

We help and support whānau to identify their needs as Parents/Caregivers and linking whānau with other services.

Our role is to ensure Tamariki/Children aged 0-5 years old grow and develop to their full potential

Hao te Rangatahi


Our Hao te Rangatahi Navigator, Hinehea Keil, provides a well-being service focused on delivering health, social and cultural support designed for rangathi aged 10-24 years old. 

Hinehea works collaboratively with internal and external Rangatahi service providers and local schools, kura and learning centres in the Wairoa Rohe. 

Tamariki Ora
Hao te Rangatira

Family Start

Team Coordinator: Carla Hiko

Family Start is a home visiting programme that focuses on improving children's grown and health, learning and relationships, family circumstances, environment and safety.


It helps families/whānau who are struggling with challenges or problems that may make it harder for them to care for their baby or young child.


Family Start has a focus on helping parents do a great job with their child's health, growth, education, and safety.

Absent: Emily 

Social Services


STRENGTHENING FAMILIES is for children, young people and their families/whānau who need support from more than one agency. It brings together the family/whanau and all the agencies that have a part to play in helping the family/whanau achieve its desired outcomes. It is a structured, early intervention, family/ whānau-centred process.



To provide social work support for vulnerable children in years one to eight (5-12) and their family/whānau. The service is only available to children that attend:   Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ngati Kahungunu ki Te Wairoa, Tiaho Primary, Wairoa College, Frasertown School or Wairoa Primary.



We support children, young people and their families/ whānau who affected by family violence. As a result, everyone feels stronger, more connected to and supported by their communities.


This is another support role for Rangatahi who are in Care and Protection with Oranga Tamariki. Referrals for this support can only come to us from Oranga Tamariki. In this role we can support Rangatahi to get driver licences, back accounts, photo ID, birth certificates, get signed onto benefits, get clothing and personal effects. 

Health Promotion


The Health Promotion service aims to create an increased awareness of healthy lifestyle choices and increased wellbeing which contribute towards improved selfcare of individuals and whānau to manage and improve their health.

The core focus is on Nutrition, Physical Activity and Smoke Cessation. 

Our team also includes Injury Prevention/Car seat, Mirimiri services.

Team Coordinator:  Whetu Kapene

Social Services
Health Promotion
Family Start

He Korowai Aroha is located on Kabul Street.  The whare is a hub that brings together our many services catered to our whānau.

He Korowai Aroha supports hapu māma and whānau with tamariki in the first 1000 days. The service include pre and post natal support and care including mirimiri.  The benefits of Mirimiri to mind, body and soul for our māma and whānau have been a huge success in terms of their maternal mental health. Another additional servive He Korowai Aroha in collaboration with K.E Health Promotion provided Whānau Fit which empower Whānau to enhance their wellbeing. 

Team Coordinator:  Cheri Henare

He Korowai Aroha


Birthing, Tīkanga Māori pregnancy, parenting info and advice 

A strength based assessment using Te Ara Whakamana



Maara Kai, Maramataka, Mahina Kai


Mana o te Whānau, Tautaoko Whānaa (To Waha, Whānau Fit,

Mirimiri and Family Harm Support)


Ensuring maternal and mental health and wellbeing of Mama.

The aim of Whānau Resilience is to create strong, resilient communities where whānau are supported to live violence free and to eliminate violence for the next generation.


Whānau Resilience is the journey of long-term healing and wellbeing that an individual and/or their whanau will navigate with the support of communities or agencies when the whanau most need it.

Team Coordinator: 

Cheri Henare




We are here to help

  • Strengthen cultural identity and whakapapa

  • Support trauma healing and recovery from violence

  • Support behaviour change for those using violence

  • Strengthen social capability and community connection

  • Learn to create safe relationships and skills

Whanau Resilience
He Korowai Aroha

Team coordinator: Elizabeth Ruru

This service provides non clinical care and support for people in the community with Oranga Hinengaro needs who have support needs related to community living and self management of their situation. Our services are kaupapa Māori based and we use tīkanga, including the Whare Tapa Whā; Māori model of Practice to assist with the recovery and support of Tangata Whaiora / consumers in the following areas: Home and community support, Advocacy services, Day Programme Activities.  This service offers Tangata Whaiora / consumers the opportunity to participate in day activities that promote independence, encourages improving life and social skills.

Day Programme Activities include:

  • Te Reo Maori me ona tikanga

  • Participation in community activities

  • Education and Life Skills

  • Health Education and wellbeing

Oranga Hinengaro

Oranga Hinengaro Team_edited.jpg
Oranga Hinengaro

Mene Mai Anō

Kahungunu Executive and Te Whatu Ora Health NZ have teamed up to create a medium solution to Wairoa's dental health problems. 


Mene Mai Anō is a low-cost dental service which started May 28, 2022.  They have dentists and dental assistants from around New Zealand who come to the Wairoa Dental Hub to offer help to our Wairoa people. 



Contact our Dental Co-ordinator, Tarri Karekare by phone or email. 

Business Services

The backbone of the organisation, Business Services is responsible for the overall running of the organisation from the purchasing of teas and coffees, maintenance, ensuring the different teams have what they need to run, all the way to the finances.

The Business Team as of November 2023:

Whetu Kapene, Caroline Karekare, Georgette Ruri, Richard Niania,

Jack Karekare, Rita Henry and Tania Kiri


Katene Te Maipi (Aug-23), Marcia Webb (Oct-23)

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